"Love Remains" (2009)

All About Me lyrics - alice peacock

I’d like to get stoned
Never come home
I’d like to be free
Not do what I should
Do what feels good
With whomever I please
I’d never look back
Like Jack Kerouac
Follow my dreams
From here to the sea
Leave it all in the dust
If only it was
All about me

When I’m not wired this way
But I know that that day
Will never come

No sacrifice
Yeah that’d be nice
What a change that would be
But the life that I got
I guess that it’s not
All about me

I’d like to get stoned
Bet I’m not alone
This song has been sung
It’s over and done
That’s all about me

Real Life lyrics - alice peacock

Met her at the high school dance down at the Aragon
He was rockin’ them parachute pants, leather high tops on
Couple years later they went and got hitched by a
Justice of the peace
Settled down in a Minnesota town and the rest is history

Baby this is real life, yeah they’re doin’ just fine
Real life, real life alright

Left home when she was 17, got her first tattoo
Never was the homecoming queen, never was that cool
Now she’s serving up drinks and getting new ink
On the east side of L.A.
Not the choice her mama would make and she likes it that way

Baby this is real life, yeah she’s doin’ just fine
Real life, real life alright

Ain’t always fun, it ain’t always pretty
Down in the country, up in the city
Everybody’s different but one thing’s true
We all gotta’ do what we gotta’ do

So me and my gypsy heart gonna
Pack up and hit the road
Got a song in this ol guitar and a string of shows
When that highway calls baby I’ll come runnin’
With my gas tank full and my six string strumming
Got a few friends that’ll keep on coming
This is all I know

Baby this is real life, yeah I’m doin’ just fine
Real life, real life alright

If I Could Talk To God lyrics - alice peacock

If I could talk to God - I’d have a million questions
If we could sit down face to face
I’d inquire how He likes to spend his days
And if he has any regrets about this world he made
Everywhere I look, children hungry, people hurting
Is it working
Does it really have to be this way
I think he might say

Hey, it’s really very simple
Follow my example,
People, it’s not so hard living the right way
Learn to love each other, your sister and your brother
If I could talk to God, I wonder if that’s what he’d say

If I could talk to God – I’d look him in the eye and
Ask him about my destiny
Shouldn’t I spend my time on grander things
And does it even make a difference anyway
In a world full of confusion
Am I part of the solution
And will it take a revolution for the world to change
I think he might say

Children you’re not there for a long long time
Is it so hard, to just play nice

Hard Way lyrics - alice peacock

When I think about my lessons learned
Every scar that’s on my heart I’ve earned
I could travel far but I’d return to the same place
I could make it easy on myself
Taking the advice of someone else
But if there’s a road that goes through hell
That’s what I’d take

I do it the hard way, do it the hard way

Never been the girl who plays it safe
Never met a fire I would not face
Probably wouldn’t take the fire escape if you showed me
Something ‘bout this reckless heart of mine
Doesn’t like to color in the lines
You tell me that it’s so, I’ll ask you why
That’s just how I’m made

I do it the hard way, do it the hard way

Get back up and then I’m down again, I descend

Do What I Can Do lyrics - alice peacock

I got up
I got dressed
Said I’ll do
My best
Said I’m up
To the task
Guess that’s all
You can ask

But the question in my mind
Am I living my life right

I do what I can do what I can
Not everything in life
Goes according to my plan
But you can look me in the eye
And know that I will try
I tell you that it’s true
I do what I can do

Well I thought
That by now
I’d have it all
Figured out
But that’s love
And that’s life
Every day’s
A surprise

I’m not perfect by all means
I’m just searching for that dream

City Of Angels lyrics - alice peacock

Last night I had a dream that I’d done things differently
And I’d let you go back to Chicago
Where the lake is clear and wide you can’t see the other side
And the folks are real, they’ll tell you how they feel
So I stayed on the fairer coast until I became a ghost
Oh fantasy, let this poor girl be
City of angels, You’re no good for me

Well there’s no use in regret
Some things I’d just soon forget
Jesus loves me this I know
Cuz’ my momma told me so
And the sun don’t always shine in this crazy life of mine
You can’t wash away the pain
Yeah, when it never rains
I don’t need to be no star down on Sunset Boulevard
Livin an empty dream
Where things ain’t what they seem
City of angels, you’re no good for me

City of angels, city of angels
You got me wrapped around your little finger
Into the fire, sweet city of angels

Last night I had a dream that I’d done things differently
And I let you go, yeah I had to let you go

City of angels, city of angels
You got me wrapped around your little finger
Into the fire, sweet city of angels

Lovely lyrics - alice peacock

I’ve never known someone quite like you
You take my breath away
You knock me out with the little things you do
And all the words you say

Because you’re lovely
Lovely you see
That’s all there is to it
So very lovely, lovely to me

Sometimes when you’re looking in my eyes
I can’t hold your gaze
Cuz’ I don’t know if you can read my mind
And what it will betray

Because you’re lovely
Lovely you see
I can’t deny it
So very lovely, lovely to me

I cannot wait ‘til I see you again

Blank Page lyrics - alice peacock

Blank Page
Fill me in
Tell me where I begin

I don’t know how to handle this
There’s nothing to cross
Off my list

Standing still is full of pain
I hope I find some peace someday

Exposed and naked
Why is life so complicated

I wish things
Were more simple
I wish I learned by example

Standing still is full of pain
I hope I find some peace someday
And maybe Divinity
What it really means
Is to give away what you think you need
Who you think you are
Who you wanna’ be
And just be here now

Standing still is full of pain
I’m counting on your saving grace
Not my will but thy will be done
Thy will be done...

Angel lyrics - alice peacock

Somehow I know that somehow you can hear me
Already I can feel your little heartbeat
Wherever you may be tonight I’m sending you this lullaby

Impatiently I’ve waited for the longest time
To feel your hand in mine
May the heavens hold you close in perfect peace
Until you find me
My angel

So many nights I’ve cried myself to sleep dear
And wondered why you’re not already right here
I feel my heart might break in two
I’ve so much love to give to you

I know that you’ll be sent here from up above
And you’ll be the perfect combination of God’s grace and love

Trying To Hold Back Time lyrics - alice peacock

Mama’s looking at her baby fast asleep
Pulls him close, feels him breathe
She knows that he’s gonna go away some day
Breaks her heart life’s that way

She’s tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time

Tries to hide the lines on her face
Just a girl yesterday
She’s smart enough to know the years are gonna pass
She don’t mind, but not so fast

She’s tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time

It’s like tryin’ to hold water in your hand
Slippin’ through your fingers drippin’ on the sand
It’s just a waste of time, you’re gonna find it’s kinda like

Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time
Tryin’ to hold back time

Forgiveness lyrics - alice peacock

Can music change the world, yeah I think it can
Can love conquer all, well I know it can
Can we tear down this wall between you and me
Not without forgiveness

Forgiveness is hard, it’s unnatural
Doesn’t come from the heart, it’s a choice you know
There’s nothing more beautiful than the power of

Forgiveness, it’s the hardest thing to do
But it all comes down to

Look inside your heart and I’ll look in mine
Are we so far apart that we can’t cross that line
Where but for the grace of God would we
Be without forgiveness

Forgiveness, it’s the hardest thing to do
But it all comes down to

Somewhere in the dark there’s a distant light
A place where we can start to bring love back to life
Travel down that road with me I know that
We can find forgiveness

Forgiveness, it’s the hardest thing to do
But it all comes down to
Forgiveness, yeah I still believe
That sometimes we all need

I Am Mary lyrics - alice peacock

I am Mary
I was pretty
You may remember me from the ninth grade
The boys would hold me
And my friends told me
The world would know me someday

I’ve made choices
Heard some voices
Fought the battles inside my head
Life’s a fabric
But when I grabbed it
All I got was a handful of threads

There’s a stairwell
I know so well
‘Cuz it gets cold out in the street
A crumpled dollar
To start a fire
So that I could warm my feet

Police stations
Of a fire burning bright
They showed me pictures
Of those children
And told me I was there that night

All my friends have left me now
No one could see them
But now I need them
To help me figure all this out

Why do they feed me
Give me T.V.
And a blanket for my feet
But something’s workin’
‘Cuz it starts hurtin’
When it all comes back to me

Fairborn lyrics - alice peacock

You are gifted
You are golden
The veil is lifted from my eyes
Speak to me in words unspoken
And I no longer have to hide

Now I know I’m going back to Fairborn
Now I know it’s where I gotta’ be
And the road I’m walking down
Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

In times of trouble
In times of worry
I am safe and I am sound
Cause I have love to travel with me
And no fear to tie me down

Now I know I’m going back to Boston
Now I know it’s where I gotta’ be
And the road I’m walking down
Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

When I was younger
I had a vision
I was a child with childlike faith
No analyzing
No indecision
Nothing standing in my way

So now I’ll go back to Minnesota
Now I’ll go where I gotta’ be
And the road I’m walking down
Goes on and on and on and on and on in front of me

Wrong Time lyrics - alice peacock

Sometimes I feel that I was born at the wrong time
Yeah I been told that I got an old soul
‘Cuz everything seemed so much better back then
From T.V. shows to good old rock’n roll
But I believe that there’s a bigger picture
And things happen the way they’re supposed to
And if I’d come around at the wrong time
Oh Baby, I wouldn’t have met you

People seemed more civil in the old days
And we learned what was wrong and what was right
And we knew how to make a little go a long ways
And we sang with our families at night
Every generation thinks the one before
Had it a little better than they do
But if I’ve been born at the wrong time
Oh Baby I wouldn’t have met you

I’d have gone to Woodstock in the sixties
Or fronted a big band in ‘42
But if I’d been around at the wrong time
Oh Baby, I wouldn’t have met you
Oh no Baby, I wouldn’t have met you
